Welcome Home!

Worship with us each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

VBS: God’s Great Rescue! June 18-21 from 9 AM to Noon. Register Here: VBS Registration

Discover a bigger God, be part of a larger story, and contribute to the flourishing of our community. St. Croix Reformed Church is community of love, support, and encouragement designed to help individuals grow their emotional, relational, and spiritual maturity in Christ.

We’re at the top of La Reine Hill which is the hill behind the Kingshill Post Office (on the left side as you drive down Northside Road). Our sign is at the bottom of the road which leads up to the church. Map

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Our members may contribute Online with NetworkForGood.org. This handy link is being used by members, and far-flung friends of the congregation to support our ministry.


St. Croix Reformed Church
RR 01, Box 6125, Kingshill, VI 00850

Phone: 989-600-0492

Email: revderuyter@gmail.com

Directions and Map